12 Tips for Mastering AP Exams

Published by cirkledin on

If you’re taking one, two, or even three AP Exams in the next few weeks, chances are that you’ve scoured the internet for any and all tips and tricks on how to master the exam, especially in it’s new format.

That’s why the Cirkled In team jumped online and put together the top ideas from reliable sources, including College Board, featured guest-blogger Counselor Mary Pat, Compass Prep and more.

  • You must “arrive” at least 30 minutes before the test begins
  • Do the testing demos before the day of the exam 
  • Make sure to put your AP ID and initials on your blank answer sheets
  • If you will have handwritten answers (math), make sure you know how to upload the documents. Please test it out
  • Practice submitting your exam
  • Confirm (through the College Board site) what you need to know for each exam. You will need to demonstrate knowledge and analysis — not facts
  • Take all tests in a quiet space where you can focus
  • Condense and organize your notes to one page. Determine the main point of each unit
  • Manage time carefully. Forty-five minutes will go by quickly! Students must submit the exams before the timer hits zero. The timer makes no noise, so it is a good idea to set another timer that gives you a five-minute warning
  • Bring water and a snack as if you were taking it in person
  • Test out your technology
  • Get all the easy questions out of the way first, then go back to all other questions

We wish everyone success with AP Exams. Remember, you are faced with extreme challenges in a time of uncertainty during an unprecedented pandemic. Take care of yourself, breathe, and do the best you can. You got this!