Making the Most of Mentoring

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It’s undeniable—whether you’re a student or a professional, mentoring and being mentored comes along with many benefits. According to a recent study, mentors were promoted six times more often than those not in the program; mentees were promoted five times more often than those not in the program; and retention rates were much higher for mentees (72%) and mentors (69%) than for employees who did not participate in the mentoring program (49%).

As a mentor for almost a decade, Cirkled In CEO Reetu Gupta has mentored professionals and women. Most recently, she serves as a part of a formal mentor group for Technology Management MBA at University of Washington.

“Honestly I believe that I have learned more from my mentees than they have learned from me,” Gupta says. “You are not giving anything. You are exchanging experiences. I have had mentor myself and they have also told me that they have equally benefited from every session we had.”

While many students look for mentors, Gupta says it’s critical to have mentors at every stage of life. However, high school is a perfect time to get started.

Curious how to find a mentor in high school? Here are some tips:

  • Ask your counselor or Career Center if they know of any professionals looking to mentor a student.

  • Have a conversation with your parents. If their career interests you, ask if their place of work has any mentoring programs.

  • Check out community programs. Does your town or city support any mentorship initiatives? What about local colleges? Organizations like MENTOR Washington and Minds Matter Philly are both programs rooted in their communities.  

“High school is such a critical phase of life that may decide most of your life. So why not learn from people who have done it before?” Gupta says. “If you want to become a doctor – shadow one. You want to become an electrician – follow one. Learning about various trades can help you decide what you want to do in life. High school students have their whole life in front of them and having a mentor can help you reach your full potential.”