Mental Health is Important, Too. 

Published by cirkledin on


Can you believe we’ve been in a pandemic for eighteen months? It’s shaped our lives in ways we have never imagined possible. From back-to-back Zoom calls from bed or wearing a mask just to say hello to a friend, life has changed as we know it. 

While we’re not mental health professionals, we wanted to take the opportunity to acknowledge #MentalHealthMonth and #MentalHealthWeek. Our lives have been forever upended by the pandemic and it has taken a toll on individuals and communities across the world. Let it be known: It’s okay to struggle with mental health, seek resources, and talk about what’s on your mind. 

Students have faced jarring realities: No in-person friendships, cancelled proms, digital graduations, confusing college admissions, Zoom classes, all on top of regular stressors. We get it. It’s not easy. First and foremost, we recommend talking to a trusted adult or medical provider if you have any questions or concerns about your mental health. 

We’ve also included some tips for dealing with stress:

  1. Stay connected via Zoom, text, FaceTime, and other forms of communication
  2. Develop a routine. Being at home or suddenly back to school can be tough and putting life into a routine can help manage stress that comes with the unknown
  3. Exercise and eat healthy
  4. Find hobbies 
  5. Stop doom scrolling. Scrolling through negative information on social media 24/7 will NOT make you feel better!
  6. Find gratitude. Even the little things help
  7. Reward yourself for what you accomplish. Again, little things count!
  8. Connect with friends and family by social-distancing. Make sure to check state laws first on gathering

Remember: If you are struggling with mental health, we encourage you to seek out help from an adult or medical provider. As always, Cirkled In is here to support you in your journey, even through the ups and downs. Be well!