Beyond the Resume: The Power of a Cover Letter (and How to Write One That Gets Read)
You have a great student resume. Awesome! Is that all you need to get a job or internship? Not always. There’s another paper that still matters a lot: the cover letter. Some people think cover letters are old school. Think they are too much work. Think no one reads them. Wrong! A good cover letter is still powerful. It can be the thing that makes your application stand out. Let’s see why cover letters still win – and how to write one that actually gets READ.
Resumes Are Key, But They’re Not the Whole Story
Your resume is super important. It lists your skills and work history. It’s a quick look at what you can do. But a resume is just facts. It’s just bullet points. It doesn’t show your personality. It doesn’t show WHY you want THIS job. It doesn’t tell your story. That’s where the cover letter comes in. A cover letter is your chance to add the “story” behind the facts. It lets you connect with the job in a real, human way. And if you want to go beyond a resume, platforms like Cirkled in let you create a portfolio to showcase your full story, including projects, achievements, and more.
Why Cover Letters Still Matter (Yes, Really!)
In a world of online forms, do cover letters still matter? Yes! Here’s why smart students still use cover letters to get ahead:
Show You Care More: Anyone can send a resume. But writing a cover letter? That takes extra time. Extra care. It shows you REALLY want that job or internship. It shows you go the extra mile.
Explain “Why You”: Resumes list skills. Cover letters explain WHY you want THIS job and THIS company. It lets you say “Here’s why I’m the right fit for YOU.” That personal touch matters.
Make You Sound Real: Resumes are often formal. Cover letters let you sound more like yourself. More like a real person. They let you add your own voice and style to your application.
Fill in the Gaps: Is there something about you that’s not clear in your resume? A cover letter is your place to explain. Maybe you changed careers. Maybe you have skills from non-job things. Use the letter to fill in those gaps and tell your full story.
Key Parts of a Cover Letter That Gets Read
Okay, cover letters matter. Got it. But how do you write a GOOD one? One that actually gets READ? Focus on these key parts:
Start Strong and Personal: Don’t start with “To Whom It May Concern.” Find out the hiring person’s name if you can. Start with “Dear [Hiring Manager Name].” Make it personal right away. In the first lines, say what job you want and why you are excited about THIS job at THIS company. Grab their interest fast.
Show You Get “Them”: Don’t just talk about yourself. Talk about the company too! Show you did your homework. Show you know what they do and what they care about. Say why THEIR mission or work gets YOU excited. Make it clear you’re not just sending the same letter to everyone.
Prove You Fit What They Need: Read the job ad closely. What skills and things do they want? Now, in your letter, show how YOU have those things. Use examples from your past. Connect your skills to what THEY are looking for.
End with Action and Thanks: Don’t just end your letter with “Thanks.” End with action. Say you are excited for the next steps. Say you are ready for an interview. And of course, thank them for their time and look forward to hearing from them.
Make It Personal, Not Just Plain
Cover letters should be personal. Not just plain and boring. Add your own style to make it more YOU:
Use “You” and “I” – But Balance It: Use “you” to talk about the company. Use “I” to talk about yourself. But don’t just say “I, I, I” all the time. Balance it. Show you care about THEM too.
Sound Like a Real Person: Write like you talk. Not too stiff or too formal. Use your own voice. Let your personality show a bit. People want to hire real humans, not robots.
Show Your Excitement: Let your letter show you are excited about the job. Enthusiasm is catchy! If you sound like you really want it, they are more likely to want you too.
Need a place to organize and showcase your experience? Cirkled in makes it easy to highlight your achievements, projects, and skills beyond just a cover letter.
Keep It Short, Keep It Sharp
No one wants to read a long, long cover letter. Keep it short and sharp to get read:
One Page is Max: Aim for one page. That’s usually enough to say what you need to say. If it’s longer, cut it down.
Short Paragraphs: Use short paragraphs. Big blocks of text look scary online. Short paragraphs are easier to read fast.
Clear and to the Point: Get to the point fast. Don’t ramble. Don’t add fluff. Say what you need to say clearly and quickly.
💡 Pro Tip: The “Why YOU” and “Why THEM” Rule
Want one simple rule for a killer cover letter? Think “Why YOU” and “Why THEM.”
“Why YOU?”: In your letter, make it super clear WHY you are right for THIS job. What skills do you have? What experiences fit? Why are YOU a great pick?
“Why THEM?”: Also, make it clear WHY you want THIS COMPANY. What do you like about THEM? Why do you want to work THERE? Showing you care about them, not just any job, makes a big difference.
Action Steps: Write a Cover Letter That Wins!
Ready to write cover letters that get you noticed? Yes! Do these things now:
Do Your Homework First: Before you write, read the job ad closely. Research the company online. Know what they want and what they are about.
Outline Key Points: Plan what you want to say. Think “Why YOU?” and “Why THEM?” Make a quick outline of your key points before you start writing.
Write a First Draft Fast: Just write a first draft fast. Don’t worry about making it perfect yet. Just get your ideas down on paper (or screen).
Refine and Cut: Then, go back and make it better. Make it personal. Make it short and sharp. Cut out anything that’s not key to your main points.
Final Thought: More Than a Resume: Cover Letters Still Win – Student Tips
Don’t skip the cover letter. It’s still a key tool to get hired. Write a cover letter that’s personal, that’s focused, and that shows you really care. Make your cover letter win you that interview!
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