Meet Jennifer Olivares, our “Design Your Own Elective” Scholarship Winner

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Jennifer Olivares is a goal-setter and a change maker. With plans to become the first in her family to attend college, Jennifer has a passion for learning, service, and her supporting her Spanish-speaking community. 

Growing up, Jennifer was the primary translator for both her Spanish-speaking parents. Rather than seeing this as a burden, however, Jennifer used her experience as inspiration for her future. She plans to major in Spanish at a 4-yr university and pursue a career as a Spanish interpreter. Through this career, she hopes to better connect with her people and serve her local community. 

Jennifer also holds the responsibilities of the oldest sibling, setting an example for her two younger sisters and little brother. By pursuing a college education next year, Jennifer hopes to be an inspiration for her siblings and help them realize that they can also achieve their dreams. 

Beyond supporting her family, one of Jennifer’s proudest accomplishments is her academic pursuits. She is currently ranked #1 out of almost 300 students in her class of 2020 and has continued to challenge herself in both AP and Honors classes. Jennifer has also involved herself outside of school, serving as treasurer of the Book Club and secretary of the AVID (Advancement Via Individual Determination) club. 

Jennifer’s passion for giving back to her community truly shines through everything she does. With over 200 hours of community service, Jennifer has volunteered her time in the church office of her local parish and helped out at various runs through the Running Association. She even regularly participates in a crochet club at her church that donates crocheted blankets to disadvantaged children and teens.

As Jennifer continues to strive towards her goals, we know that she will continue to serve those around her and be an example for others. We wish the best for her and her family!

Check out Jennifer’s video to learn more about this incredible young woman, then visit us at to tell your own story!