We Get It: College Admissions this Year Were Unexpected (To Say the Least)

#DecisionDay is quickly approaching for millions of students. Whether you were accepted, rejected, or waitlisted, the day comes with a lot of questions: Where will I go? What do I do now? Can I still apply for other colleges? When will I know if I’m off the waitlist?
If you’re like most students, you’ve seen countless articles from top-tier news outlets like Slate, CNBC, Inside Higher Ed, and Washington Post (to just name a FEW) question this year’s college admissions process, especially as students, teachers, and college admissions officers grappled with the pandemic.
Was it fair? If you didn’t take the SAT/ACT but another applicant did, did that hurt your chance? What if I had no extracurriculars because of covid? Right now, it may be too early to completely answer those questions. But, we here at Cirkled In want to hear what you, the student, think and feel about this year’s admissions process.
That’s why we created the 2021 College Admissions Survey for students to share their opinions. We invite you to take the survey by May 5 to express how you feel this year’s college admissions process shook out. Plus, we’ll draw winners for $25 Amazon gift cards!
Take the survey here: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSf-M3zR1otCwMoj-ZO0hkjIIlQgGdGXYtBdnuNhJpFBq4OB-A/viewform?fbclid=IwAR3Zz92NCaIn4_0lm3e5Nm020Bej-Q5ZLvx3oAK0-w9gkcLCV7ib8uItJWM
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