Seeing COVID-19 from a Student’s Perspective: Part 1

Here at Cirkled In, we’ve kept a pulse on how coronavirus has impacted schools and higher education across the country. To take it a step further, we’re beginning a new series to hear from a different perspective: A student!
This week, we had the pleasure to interview our newest intern, Ria Mohan on how she’s been impacted by COVID-19 and what the future holds for her.
What is something you wish teachers would know about distance learning?
I wish teachers would know that it sometimes gets overwhelming to receive loads of information at once, from several different teachers through various channels of communication. Obviously, they’re trying their best, as are the students, to remain organized and informed; but the mass emails and information given out at the beginning of each week is overwhelming. Also, I think teachers already know this, but it is harder to find motivation to work on schoolwork sometimes when we’re in our cozy homes and have the option of binging Netflix!
How has the pandemic impact you the most?
The pandemic initially impacted me the most by demonstrating how quickly this world can change, and how we will all have to suddenly adapt. The shift from seeing people every day, to social distancing, or going to school each week, to learning online, was so sudden and unexpected. It has really helped me become flexible, aware of my surroundings, and grateful for everything I have, because it’s put a lot in perspective for me, my family, and friends.
Did you have any internships, college plans, or jobs fall through because of the pandemic?
I applied for a lot of courses that I was interested in and couldn’t unfortunately attend due to the pandemic. While some were able to shift online, other courses I was looking forward to had to be cancelled completely.
How have you been staying in contact with your friends from school?
I have been staying in contact with friends from school and outside of school! I love texting and video calling them to catch up each day and save each other from boredom. While this is a troubled time for everyone, all we can do is stay home to keep others safe, so in the process, we entertain ourselves! I have had online Netflix parties with some friends and virtual ballet lessons with others!
The country is reopening but COVID-19 is still a risk. How has this impacted your summer plans?
With COVID-19 remaining a prominent risk, nothing has been set in stone for the upcoming year. We definitely cancelled all travel plans and plan on staying home for the summer. I know I’ll continue attending courses online throughout the summer though.
What do you think about going back to school (whether high school or college) in the fall?
I am excited to go back to school in the fall! I hope it’s safe enough for schools to open, and if it is, I’m thrilled and eager to see my friends and teachers. A lot of school traditions had to be cancelled or moved online due to the pandemic, so I’m excited to experience those in person again once schools reopen. I know students and teachers will have a newfound appreciation for classroom and school-wide environments if schools open in the fall.
How have your education plans been changed, if at all, by the pandemic?
As a freshman in high school, I did not have any major education plans that were altered by the pandemic. I hope to continue my high school career in-person next fall and until then, attend virtual courses!
How have you been impacted by COVID-19? Find us on Facebook to share your story!